I’m vegan because it just makes sense.

Veganism is a philosophy that rejects the exploitation of animals in an effort to extend moral consideration to all sentient beings. Sentience is the key characteristic that differentiates animals (including humans) from plants. It is the ability to experience feelings and sensations, including the capacity to suffer. To align our actions with our values, vegans abstain from the consumption of animal-based products and services in any form, including food, clothing, entertainment, or anything else. At its core, the goal of veganism is to extend the rights and protections we already grant humans to non-human animals.

Following a vegan lifestyle since March of 2017, I advocate for the rights of animals by having conversations with individuals on the street about the vegan philosophy. My goal is to educate and create a space for people to understand their moral values and how they align with veganism.

If you are not already vegan, I hope you take the time to listen to the arguments for veganism and if possible, talk to a vegan directly. My door is always open if you want to have an open conversation about veganism via my Instagram.

Please take the time to watch my activism videos, and if you find this kind of education interesting you can subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

If you have questions/inquiries about anything, please fill out the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.